Father Fernando Altamira Episcopal Consecration

Most Rev. Rodrigo H. Ribeiro da Silva's Coat of arms

Most Rev. Rodrigo H. Ribeiro da Silva
Seminário São José, Estr. dos Padeiros, 6300 - Sítio Tres Nascentes, Juquitiba - SP, 06950-000

October 14, 2023

Dear Faithful of Colombia and South America,

At this moment I am in México visiting various churches and priests who work with us in the apostolate. Approximately about two months ago, as you already know, I was very ill and had serious health issues, but now –Deo gratias– I am fine and enjoy of good health.

The reason for this letter is to give you some very important news, which I believe will be for the greater good of the Holy Catholic Church, for the Glory of God and for the good and Salvation of souls. I intend to consecrate Father Fernando Altamira to the Episcopacy next year. Later on will give you the details as to where and when this will be done.

Father Altamira, of Argentinian nationality, has had, for many years, a very large and fruitful apostolate in Colombia, and is a holy and good priest of sound doctrine; for which I judge that he is suitable to be ascended to the Episcopacy.

Why another Bishop? some will ask, are not the bishops we already have sufficient? As you know, it is my responsability to take care of the churches and missions which His Excelency Bishop Daniel Dolan (RIP) attended in México and all of South America; which have proved, in this past two years, to be a huge, overwhelming, and exhausting job. Therefore, I shall consecrate Father Fernando Altamira to the Episcopacy so that he may help me in the apostolate and the administering of the Sacraments. In addition, I judge this consecration to be prudent, given the current state of affairs we are experiencing worldwide: quarantine and lockdowns, the Covid “vaccines”, the fact that many countries have closed their borders or are at risk of doing so, the wars the we see today (Rusia-Ucraine; Israel-Palestine) that we do not know how that may escalate.

I ask for your prayers for Father Fernando Altamira and for all of us, yours bishops and priests.

I give to all of you my apostolic blessing.

In Jesus and Mary,

Most Rev. Rodrigo H. Ribeiro da Silva