Father Pierre Roy Episcopal Consecration
Seminário São José, Estr. dos Padeiros, 6300 - Sítio Tres Nascentes, Juquitiba - SP, 06950-000
November 16, 2023
Dear Faithful of Canada and North America,
I am currently in Mexico, visiting various churches and priests who work with us in the apostolate. Approximately two months ago, as you already know, I had serious health issues, but now – Deo gratias! – I am fine and enjoy a good health. The reason for this letter is to give you some very important news, which I believe will be for the greater good of the Holy Catholic Church, for the Glory of God and for the good and salvation of souls. I intend to consecrate Rev. Fr. Pierre Joseph Roch Roy to the Episcopacy. The ceremony will take place on January 7, 2024, in São Paulo, Brazil.
Fr. Roy, of French-Canadian nationality, has had, for many years, a very large and fruitful apostolate in Canada, and is a good priest of sound doctrine; for which reason I judge that he is suitable to be elevated to the Episcopacy.
Why another Bishop? some will ask, are not the bishops we already have sufficient? As you know, it is my duty to take care of the churches and missions which His Excellency Bishop Daniel Dolan (RIP) attended in México and all of South America; which have proved, in these past two years, to be a huge, overwhelming, and exhausting work. Therefore, I shall consecrate Rev. Fr. Pierre Roy to the Episcopacy so that he may work alongside me in the apostolate and the administering of the Sacraments in Canada, which I have previously been responsible for as well. In addition, I judge this consecration to be prudent, given the current state of affairs we are experiencing worldwide: quarantine and lockdowns are not so far behind us; the Covid “vaccines” passport could come back; many countries have closed their borders for an extended period of time not so long ago and could very well do it again in the future; we are seeing wars raging (Russia-Ukraine; Israel-Palestine) and we do not know how they may escalate in the near future. It seems prudent to look at the history of the recent years as a warning from God to get ready for more dire times and to not wait for the situation to degenerate before we organize everything necessary to ensure the survival of the Christian people.
The faithful of Canada have been deprived of the Sacraments of Confirmation and of Holy Orders for years during the lockdowns, and have been through extended periods of closed borders. Not only during this time more than a hundred people were awaiting anxiously to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confirmation, but even now, it would be hard for priestly vocations to be accepted in this country on account of the uncertainty regarding their ordination, should a similar situation happen. At any time, I may become unable to visit Canada which would render their ordination impossible. There is also the question of the Holy Oils, which would be hard to supply in such circumstances. All these issues make the consecration of a local Canadian Bishop not only a prudent and necessary thing, but also something I consider urgent.
I ask for your prayers for Rev. Fr. Pierre Roy and for all of us, your bishops and priests.
I happily give to all of you my episcopal blessing.
In Jesus and Mary,
Most Rev. Rodrigo H. Ribeiro da Silva